Wednesday, February 16, 2022

How long does a pitch adjustment take? | Piano Rebuilding Albany

A pitch adjustment is essentially a special tuning procedure designed to leave the piano approximately in tune. For moderate pitch corrections, the procedure takes about the same time as a tuning, or less. Extreme pitch changes may require two separate pitch adjustments.

The pitch adjustment and subsequent tuning may be done in one visit, or the tuning may be scheduled for a short time later depending upon how far the pitch had to be changed. In general, the longer a piano has gone without regular service, the more tunings will be required to reestablish tuning stability.

Like your car, your piano is a major investment that deserves regular servicing to keep it working well and preserve its value. Most importantly, the well-maintained piano sounds better, plays better, and gives you and your family a wealth of musical pleasure.

Get detail info: Piano Rebuilding Albany

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